Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dissolving Personality Exercises

1. Stop talking about the past. Each time you hear yourself indulging in this, stop. Be extreme to break the habit. Stop talking about your sad story. Stop talking about it is the beginning of stop thinking about it.

2. Be true to the situation, not to your personal likes and dislikes. What does the situation require? It may not be what suits you personally. The personality wants you to express your dislike of a situation. Either do what the situation requires, or quit. No negativity.

3. Give up being dishonest. Anytime you are angry, resentful or depressed, you are not being honest. Anger arises because you are not getting your own way. Instead of being angry you should be concerned with which practical action you can take. If there is no practical action you can take, your desire is impractical at this time. To be honest you must face that fact and give up your wanting.

4. Don't talk unless you have something to say. The personality is always talking. Talking consumes enormous energy so this exercise is to learn to talk less. Talking is talking about something, having a discussion, giving your opinion, speculating, rationalizing, and repeating what youve heard. In this exercise you learn the difference between talking and speaking. Instead of talking about what the politicians should do unless you yourself are doing something to right the situation, you can write them, or cast your vote, then youll be taking action and able to speak form your experience, otherwise your a talker, only action or speaking what you live is true.

5. No more complaining or blaming. Complaining about your life and blaming other people and life for your problems and difficulties is one of the major leakages of energy. When you catch yourself doing this, stop. The truth is you are responsible for your life. If you blame someone for your life you are giving up responsibilty by giving responsibility to others. To be responsible is to be responsible for everything that happens in your life. There may be things that happen that seem to come from other agencies but you'll have to do your best to sort them out, thats life. You don't complain when you get a promotion at work do you? You don't blame the boss, you feel you deserved it, so how can you duck out from being responsible for all the not so good things that happen to you. Its the personality being two faced, not being straight. It presents life as its not, and gets away with it while you continue to blame and complain.

6. Don't allow your fingers to fiddle with a pencil or other knick knack. Don't drum your fingers on the table. Don't when seated quiver or tremble your leg. Don't crack your knuckles.

7. Don't chew gum, unless you chew it to get the flavor and freshen the mouth, then spit it out. Don't lick your fingers after touching food. Don't ask for tasting form other peoples plate, either go half and half or order something for yourself. That is the personalities greed and craving for experience not being responsible for what it wants.

8. Don't fidget when talking to people.

9. Conversational habits. Remembering that the personality depends upon habitual un consciousness. Stop using habitual expressions like honey, sweetheart, dude, dawg. Don't use such terms. Don't soothe people with words when you are about to confess something bad. Don't say "To be honest", or "with all due respect" as if you are not usually honest or respectful. Such phrases have no real menaing and are actually the personality talking.

10.Don't frown, screw up your face, or look at the ceiling before you answer a question. This is the personality pretending to appear deep in thought. Don't say things like "hmmmmm" These serve no purpose and waste vital energy

Barry Long.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Just be quiet

Many methods are prescribed for different temperaments .All methods teach you to do something .It may be physical , oral , or mental activity .All these exercises involve mental gymnastics .You never keep quiet .Nobody teaches this simple truth .
If you are quiet the religions will fail .The false teachings will fail .Just keep quiet .That is the way to find peace and love among people .Keep quiet .Then the whole structure of religion will collapse .Religions give you fear .Fear of hell .If you don't do this , you will go to hell .All religions preach this fear .All religions are based on the fear of hell .No religion teaches you to just keep quiet .
If you keep quiet , for just a few minutes out of your entire span of life , perhaps you will win peace .That's the way to approach reality , liberation , nirvana .Keep quiet .
This is up to you .According to their temperaments , people select their own way and follow their own way .Very few will keep quiet for even five minutes .Instead ,they go to the Himalayas ,they go to the temples ,they go on pilgrimages .But very few spend five minutes in their house keeping quiet .
Then there is no need for a teacher .If the teacher says "just keep quiet," then the business of the teacher doesn't flourish .
If the teacher says, "You've got nothing to do whatsoever , you are just to keep quiet ," why is the teacher needed ? His business will not run , so he has to tell you to do something .No religion will confirm , no books will be published .No teaching will flourish .Just to be quiet .And without quiet there is no rest ANYWHERE .

Poonja alias Papaji

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Intellect and Intelligence

There is a distinction between intellect and intelligence .Intellect is thought functioning independently of emotion , whereas ,intelligence is the capacity to feel as well as to reason ; and until we approach life with intelligence ,instead of intellect alone , or with emotion alone , no political or educational system in the world can save us from the toils of chaos and destruction .

J Krishnamurti
From Education and the Significance of Life


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Kiki's Wisdom - Accept things as they are

If you just stop and think about it you'll realize that you've experienced presence throughout your life, although there may not have been a recognition of what it was. Perhaps it was when you simply sat and watched the sunset, a child play, looked at a piece of art, or listened to some music and every care in the world, every worry about the future or regret of the past disappeared and there was just the sun setting, just the child playing, just the piece of art, or just the music playing - "you" were nowhere to be found and there was a simple silence and peace within. Why? Because all internal barriers to what was being observed dropped away because nothing was being sought, there was no looking for something to happen, no wishing for things to stay the same or be different. Labeling, comparing, judging, analyzing, and thinking dissolves when nothing specific is demanded of a present situation.

That labeling, comparing, judging, analyzing, and thinking is what creates internal barriers to "what is"; it creates a "me" which has a certain viewpoint and it sets that me apart from everything else, and everything else is then put into a relationship with that me. When those barriers have been created and you get lost in them "problems" arise because your relationship to what is then can be seen as threatening. Then there is the tendency to live life in the mind rather than letting the flow of life's events move through you unimpeded.

The real you is the wide open space that allows for everything to arise, exist, and dissolve again. Manifestation is always doing that anyway, but when the "me" is out of the way it does so in a state of peace, stillness, and inner silence. So don't look for something to happen, don't wish things to be different, don't get caught up in the past or the future. Instead, just be with whatever is in front of you, and if it happens to be drinking a cup of coffee then just drink the coffee. Be fully aware of everything connected with drinking it - the warmth of the cup in your hands, the aroma, the taste of it on the tongue, the swallowing of it, the feeling of it entering the stomach. There is nothing that you can't do in this way, and starting with the "mundane" things like drinking coffee or washing the dishes will allow you to reconnect yourself on a conscious level with the inherent peacefulness and stillness of being found in the present moment. Starting "small" like this will prepare you for when events become more challenging by building a base of familiarity of presence that appears more readily available in other situations.

